Legislation in Scotland lays down some very specific rules which MUST be followed when using snares:
- All snares must be free-running and have a fixed stop at the appropriate distance.
- All set snares must be checked every day at intervals of no more than 24 hours.
- All set snares must be staked to the ground or attached to an object to prevent the snare from being dragged.
- Snares must not be set where an animal caught by the snare becomes fully or partially suspended or drowns.
- Anyone wishing to set snares must be accredited and also have their operator ID number.
- From 1st April 2013 it became a serious offence for any person who does not have a Snaring Accreditation Certificate and a Snaring Identification Number to set any kind of snare for any purpose anywhere in Scotland.Anyone who passed the accreditation course prior to May 2010, will need to contact their accreditation body and request a new certificate, before applying for their operator ID number.
- Tags featuring the ID number must be fitted to snares.
- Snare operators areĀ obliged to keep snaring records.
BASC Scotland maintain a very useful guide to the law on snaring in Scotland, including the latest practitioners guide