Safety Warnings and Advice

All pest control equipment carries a level of general or specific risk.

As a general rule:

  • – Wear appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) including but not limited to gloves and protective eyewear.
  • – Keep products away from children and pets.
  • – Never leave products in a ‘set’ or ‘active’ state except when being used for pest control.

Spring Traps & Mole Traps
The power and precision which make Spring Traps humane also means that they have the power to cause serious injury. The springs are extremely strong and are more than capable of breaking the bones in a human hand, so handle them with care.

  • – Always follow the setting instructions, use appropriate PPE and setting tools and safety catches where available.
  • – Under no circumstances allow body parts within the trap once set.
  • – Keep traps out of reach of non-target animals, individuals and particularly children.
  • – Traps should only be set on land owned by the person setting them, or where they have permission from the landowner to do so. Avoid setting traps on or near public footpaths, public rights of way or common land.

Sharp Edges, Points and Splinters
Some products product contains pointed objects, sharp edges, and materials that may cause splinters. Handle with care to prevent injury. These products are not suitable for children and should be used under adult supervision.

Examples of these products include, but are not limited to: pegs, wire mesh products, long net poles, steel cable & anchors, welded products, mole probes, trap mounts, net making needles and steel traps.

Choking Hazard
Some products could pose a choking risk. To prevent the risk of choking keep out of reach of small children.
Examples of these products include, but are not limited to: grommets, caps, eyelets, stops & ferrules

Some products could pose an entanglement risk. This is especially dangerous to young children, pets, and those with limited mobility. To prevent accidents:

  • – Store safely when not in use to avoid accidental tangling.
  • – Keep loose parts secured and away from children and pets.
  • – Avoid placing the product near cribs, playpens, or any areas where entanglement could occur.

Examples of these products include, but are not limited to: net making twine, drawcord and sheet netting

The law around the use of traps is complex, rapidly changing and even varies within different regions of the devolved United Kingdom. Effort is made to keep this website and trap instruction up to date but it is the user’s responsibility to keep up to date and comply with local laws and best practice.

V1.1 20/01/2025

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